Numerical analysis of morphometrical affiliation of sand arrows and operative species (Case study: Najjar Abad Erg, Shahrood)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Geomorphology, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran


Sand arrow is one of the most important accumulation land forms in  Najjar abad Erg in the Northeastern of toroud village. In this research emphasized on the affiliation between morphometrical and morphological characteristics of species of Alhagi mannifera and Seidlitzia florida sand arrow using regression and multiregression. morphometrical  parameters of species including plant height, canopy diameter and morphometrical parameters of sand arrow including length, maximum width of the arrow and volume. Result of correlation analysis indicates different performance between morphometrical and morphological characteristics of Species. In Seidlitzia Florida Species there are high correlation between plant height and length of the sand arrow (0.670) and also canopy diameter and maximum width of the arrow (0.753) respectively, but this correlation in Alhagi mannifera is (0.504) and (0.680) respectively. Result of linear multiregression indicate more correlation between morphological characteristic of Sand arrow and  plant height and canopy diameter in Seidlitzia florida Species (0.879, 0.831,0.661) in comparison with Alhagi manniferaSpecies (0.769,0.683,0.523). Results indicate that Seidlitzia florida Species have more prefect mechanism on trapping of sand and formation of Sand arrow. The results of this research will be fruitful in systemic management approach of desert regions, and also can be fruitful for quicksand stabilization projects.


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