Effect of Drought Stress on Some Agronomical and Physiological Traits of Iranian Fenugreek Landraces

Document Type : Short Research Paper


1 Faculty member of Dryland Agricultural Research Institute(DARI)

2 Professor of olericulture, University college of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj

3 Faculty member of International Center of Agricultural Research in Dry Areas(ICARDA), Aleppo, Syria.


In order to evaluate drought stress effects on some agronomical and physiological traits of Iranian fenugreek landraces (20 genotypes from different parts of Iran), two experiments (one under normal and another under drought condition) carried out using randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Seventy different agronomical and physiological traits were noted during experimental period. Results showed significant differences between fenugreek landraces in all traits under drought stress condition, except in dry biomass weight, grain harvest index, individual plant grain yield and canopy temperature, under non stress condition there were significant differences between landraces in all traits, except in number of pod/plant, number of seed /plant, dry biomass weight, canopy temperature, leaves cell membrane stability at flowering stage, leaf relative water content and relative turgour. Calculation of studied traits coefficient of variation percentage, showed that, dry biomass weight and grain yield were the most impressive traits with drought stress with 44.9% and 30.85% of coefficient of variation, respectively. Plant type and leaf relative water content traits had the lowest coefficient of variation (about zero).According to the results, using from dry biomass weight and grain yield traits recommended for screening and selection of fenugreek genotypes under drought stress conditions.


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