A framework for selecting suitable species for the development of green infrastructure in industrial landscapes in arid and semi-arid areas of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Department of Environmental Design, Department of Environment, University of Tehran, Iran



The cement industry has always been known to have significant harmful environmental effects. The development of green infrastructure around these industries can reduce the negative environmental effects of such developments in the surroundings. However, there is no systematic framework related to the selection of plant species around cement factories. The aim of this study is to provide a systematic method for selecting plant species around cement factories. In this study, Durood Cement Factory was selected as a case study. At first, the conceptual model of plant-environment relationship in industrial environments was introduced. In the following, a functional framework for the implementation of this conceptual model is presented, which consists of five steps: identifying effective criteria, weighting criteria, developing a formula for selecting plant species, creating a plant palette, and screening suitable plant species. In the selection of criteria, two categories of primary and secondary criteria were used. The screening method of plant species selection criteria is fuzzy Delphi and the method of weighting the selection criteria is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of this research showed that among the five investigated plant species, Eleagnus angustifolia is the most suitable tree species for this study area, while the Platanus orientalis and Tamarix gallica are considered unsuitable. This research provides valuable insights for landscape architects, environmental managers and operators of industrial spaces, especially cement factories, to create sustainable green areas.


Main Subjects

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