The role of social capital in the environmental protection of agricultural lands in dry areas (Case study: Bavi County)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Mollasani, Iran

2 MSc student in Rural development, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Mollasani, Iran



The main purpose of this research is to investigate the role of social capital in the environmental protection of agricultural lands in dry areas. The statistical population of this research included all the farmers of Bavi County (Khuzestan province). A sample size of 390 people was selected for the study using a stratified sampling method with proportional assignment. The data collection tool is a questionnaire, the validity of which was determined based on the opinion of the faculty members of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, and its reliability was determined through Cronbach's alpha. On the other hand, the Average Variance Extracted Index (AVE) was used to determine construct validity and the Composite Reliability Index (CR) was used to determine model reliability. The results of prioritizing the environmental protection of agricultural lands in dry areas showed that the two behaviors "use of plow at least to reduce soil erosion" and "use of organic and animal fertilizers in the field" were respectively of higher priority among farmers. In addition, the results of structural equation modeling showed that the dimensions of social capital (social norms, social awareness, social networks, social participation and social trust) have a significant effect on the environmental protection behavior of agricultural lands in arid regions, which were finally able to reach 73% To explain the variance of the dependent variables of the research, i.e. environmental protection of agricultural lands in dry areas. The findings of this research, while adding new knowledge to the literature on environmental issues in dry areas, can be useful in planning and policy-making to reduce environmental problems caused by the agricultural sector.


Main Subjects

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