Assessing the sustainability of ecosystems in the Khosrow-Shirin-Abadeh watershed

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran



The achievement of sustainable development is contingent upon a holistic strategy that takes into account the ecological, economic, social, and cultural factors specific to each locality. The safeguarding of renewable natural resources serves as a crucial foundation for enhancing the standard of living for human beings. The objective of this study was to assess the ecological sustainability of the ecosystems present in the Khosroshirin Abadeh watershed. The present investigation employed two techniques, namely the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) methods and the guidelines of the Organization of Natural Resources and Watershed Management. The initial approach involved partitioning the domain into five distinct sub-domains, followed by an assessment of its sustainability based on three criteria, 10 indicators, and 26 variables within the ecosystem sustainability category. Additionally, two criteria, six indicators, and 16 variables were utilized to evaluate human welfare within the domain. The mean value of the chosen metrics within the domains of ecosystem and human welfare were determined to be 61.8 and 47.2, correspondingly. The stability barometer analysis indicates that the ecosystems under investigation are currently exhibiting moderate levels of stability. The second approach involved an assessment of the rangeland ecosystem and economic and social issues based on the Natural Resources and Watershed Organization's guidelines. The evaluation of the rangeland ecosystem section involved the consideration of 3 criteria, 9 indicators, and 14 variables. On the other hand, the economic and social issues was evaluated based on 5 criteria and 16 indicators, which served as variables. The present approach involved the computation of a final score of 46 for the rangland ecosystem and a final score of 36 for the human welfare human ecosystem. A value of 2.2 was obtained based on the analysis of the 16 selected variables. The score estimation matrix table was utilized to derive a total score of 5.5 for both rangland ecosystems and human welfare. The sustainability assessment table indicates that the Khosroshirin basin's ecosystem is currently in a state of weak sustainability, according to the assigned score. Enhancing the existing livestock and plant composition indicators, along with promoting sustainability of the ecosystem and ensuring ownership, justice, equality, nutrition, and food security in the human ecosystem, can lead to improved living standards of the watershed inhabitants and foster better health and sustainability of the ecosystems in question.


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