Study of soil salinization – sodicatio trend in Haloxylon planted areas in Khorasan razavi province (Taybad)

Document Type : Research Paper


For many years, Haloxylon species is used in order to stabilizing the mobile sand in Iran. This species is resistant to the soil with air and low humidity along with high temperature and high salinity. One of the negative consequences of this species in areas under cultivation is salt-sodium to the soil. Due to the presence of revived sands by yellow species of Haloxylon during the time sequence in the desert area of Taybad the changes of the salt-sodium level of soil surface were studied in this area. For this purpose 5 different sites according to the Haloxylon plantation age (aged11, 19, 28, 41) and a control site (no planting Haloxylon) were selected. The results show the maximum salinity was in site aged 41(0/694 ds/m) and the lowest salinity was in the control site (0/34 ds/m). During the time of planting Haloxylon the sodium absorption ratio has increased from 3/49 milliequivalents per liter in the control site to 12/5 milliequivalentsper liter in the site aged 41. Parallel to this, the exchangeable sodium percentage has increased from 3/92 in the control site to 17/3 in the site aged 41. According to the results of this survey, planting yellow Haloxylon (Haloxylon persicum) species lead to the sodium soil in areas where Haloxylon has been planted.


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