Identification and screening of rural entrepreneurship development strategies in dry areas (Case study: Razavieh district of Mashhad County)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 M.Sc. in Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran



Today, the concept of rural entrepreneurship has found a prominent role in the literature of rural development with topics such as livelihood provision, resource efficiency, employment generation, empowerment and other attractive topics related to development. But the development of rural entrepreneurship in Iran has not been institutionalized despite the efforts that have been made. Therefore, the present study identifies the optimal strategies for entrepreneurship development in dry rural areas with practical targeting and descriptive-analytical research method. Two strategic planning tools were used in this study. The research questionnaire was completed with the help of 102 people, which consists of entrepreneurs and rural experts, in 11 villages with entrepreneurs in Razavieh district of Mashhad city, which faces high ecological limitations. Based on field studies and documents, 17 strengths and opportunities were identified as advantages and 24 weaknesses and threats were identified as limitations and bottlenecks in the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas in Razavieh district of Mashhad. The results showed that in the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Matrix, according to IFE=2.46 and EFE=2.73, in order to develop rural entrepreneurship, there are revision strategies that try to make maximum use of opportunities by minimizing weaknesses (maximum-minimum) or WO was found to be optimal. Since the SWOT analytical matrix provides various strategies but does not provide a technique for priorities, the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix was used. Therefore, with the help of this matrix, among the 12 conservative strategies, "Setting up consulting service centers to provide intellectual, technical and skill support by creating attraction and direct and indirect benefits for the villagers" is placed as the focal strategy in the first priority with a score of 1.53 took Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the establishment of technical and advisory offices of rural entrepreneurship in the review of policies related to entrepreneurship. The results of this study can be a basis for appropriate policy related to the development of entrepreneurship in the rural areas of Mashhad.


Main Subjects

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