Evaluating new forage maize hybrids, based on drought tolerance indicatores in low-irrigating regimes

Document Type : Research Paper



 To select the best drought tolerant forage maize hybrid, an experiment was conducted in seed and Plant Improvement Institute (Karaj), in 2010.  The experimental design was split plot based on randomized complete block with three replications. Three irrigation regimes (irrigating after 70, 100 and 130 mm evaporation from surface of class A pan) were considered as main factor and 14 maize hybrids (11 new hybrids and three commercial hybrids KSC700, KSC704 and KSC720) were assigned to the sub plots.  Based on results, hybrid No.10 was tolerant in both mild and severe drought stresses and is suggested for further researches. Hybrid No.11 and 1 were the most sensitive hybrids in both mild and severe drought stresses and are not recommended for places with probability of drought stress during. Four indices of MP, GMP, STI and Harm have a high positive correlation with each other and forage yield in mild and severe drought stress can be used as indicators for choosing the best drought tolerant hybrids in the same conditions.
