Study on the effect of Baluchi camel (Camelus dromedarius) age on preference value of rangeland plant species in Zarrindasht, south of Fars province

Document Type : Research Paper



This study aimed to investigate the Baluchi camel age and the kind of plant species on preferences of plants for grazing by the Baluchi camel in Zarrindasht, south of Fars province. For the evaluation of preference values, firstly plant communities were distinguished and 10 plots 2m × 2m were then established in each community in the key areas. Cover percentage of each plant species was visually estimated in each plot. Preference indices (for 5, 10 and 20 years old camels) were estimated for the all plant species through direct time observation method. Factorial design was used to determine the effect of Baluchi camels age, plant species and their interactions on preference value. In the case of the significant interaction between plant species and camel age, for determining the camel age and plant species effect on preference value of plants, one-way ANOVA and Duncan test were performed. The results showed that Ziziphus spina-christ,Tamarix aphyllaandSeidlitzia rosmarinus had the highest preference value for all three camel ages and the lowest values were related to spiny species of  pycnocycla spinosa andRhamnus alaternus. In general, hort trees were more preferable than shrub species for camel. Oldest camels (20 years old) consumed highest time for browsing. The results of this study revealed that it is necessary to have different strategies to manage the grazing of different camel ages. Since Ziziphus spina-christ is being browsed by all three different ages, it is suggested that management activities plan preserving and restoring this species.
