Comparison of Distance-based and Quadrate-based Methods to Determine the Dispersion Methods of Calligonum polygonoides in Sistan Province, Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Institute of Agricultural Research, University of Zabol, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zabol, Iran

3 Ph.D Student in Agricultural Insectology in Islamic Azad University of Arak, Iran



Calligonum polygonoides is one of the shrub plants resisting to drought climate. This desert plant has an important role improving soil structure and organic matter, sand stability and windbreak in Sistan and Baluchistan Region, Iran. In this research, dispersion of C. polygonoides in three regions of Sistan and balochestan (Zahak, Tahlab and Jazmurian) was evaluated by quadrat-based methods (Taylor, Iwao, Morisita, K and variance to mean ratio) and distance-based methods (T-square, Hopkins, Holgate, Johnson, Zimmer and Pielou) using a simple random sampling campaign. That way four transects (each one 100 meters) was placed in three areas of 5000 m2. The result of this research showed that C. polygonoides is randomly distributed in Sistan and Balochestan. Taylor and Morisita of the quadrate-based methods and Pielou and T-square indicators of distance-based methods appeared to be the most appropriate techniques for determination of the plant the dispersion in conclusion, result showed that quadrat-based methods have more accuracy with same performance compared to distance-based methods.


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