Investigation of Emission Sources of Suspended Elements air in City of Kermanshah

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Science of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Tehran

2 Professor, Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Tehran


An atmospheric aerosol plays an important role in modification and change of climate, hydrological cycles, chemistry of the atmosphere, biogeochemical cycles and public health. The purpose of this research is investigation of emission sources of Suspended elements in Kermanshah. The concentrations of twenty elements consisting of K, Na, Ca, P, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Se, Zn, Fe, Mg, B, Cr, Co, As, Mo, V, Al, Mn were analyzed by ICPfor 55 soil samples and 41 aerosols samples. Source of aerosols have been identified using factor analysis, the backward air mass trajectory analysis, enrichment factor and the Al/Zn ratio.Ca and Pb have maximum concentration (84600pbb) and minimum concentration (8.95) in aerosols samples, respectively and also, Ca and Mo have maximum concentration (2074800pbb) and minimum concentration (3.8) in soil samples, respectively. The results showed that EF- values of elements of B, Zn and Mo are very high in the range of 31 to 507 and elements of copper, lead, cadmium, nickel, vanadium and chromium are in the range of 1 to 10 and the elements such as iron, potassium, calcium, selenium, arsenic, cobalt, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium have low EF- values less than 0.25.Factor analysis classified elements in six factors based on sources of their emission. The first factor consisted of Na, Al, Ca, K, the second factor was Cd, Mo, Cr, the third factor was Cu, Pb, Co, the fourth factor consisted of Fe, Mn, the fifth factor was P, the sixth factor was V. According to results of factor analysis, enrichment factor, the crustal elements of K, Na, Ca, P, Fe, Mg, Mnare the main contributor to the elements in air in aerosols in the Kermanshah. Vehicle-related emissions and industry rein grade of second.


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